UK Social Workers Exposed

See on Scoop.itPublic Law Children Act Cases

Welcome to UK Social Services Exposed Social Workers throughout the UK have and continue to destroy families lives by removing children from vulnerable parents and Forcefully Adopt these children…

Social Workers throughout the UK have and continue to destroy families lives by removing children from vulnerable parents and Forcefully Adopt these children against the wishes of the parents and the children’s immediate families. On this page will be the photo’s and details of the Social Workers that have and are still continuing to STEAL CHILDREN all in the name of PROFIT. In the best interest of the parents and also the children we will now EXPOSE these Social Workers.

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22 Responses to UK Social Workers Exposed

  1. Paul Stanford says:

    What an Excellent and long overdue website.

    Social Workers in the UK have been out of control for probably the last 20 years and the combination of (unquestioned) absolute power and a complete lack of any uccountability for their actions/inactions has left most if not all social workers feeling that they are 101% Flameproof.

    What this site does is very clearly show the social work profession that the time has come (instantly) that they are going to be judged Fairly or Unfairly.

    This means that judgement will be passed on them in exactly the same way they themselves meter out judgements against ordinary decent people.

    Little if any regard is given by social workers to the ‘rear view mirror’ mentality that they bring to such an important field and that this site has the ‘instant’ ability to put the faces of these people into the public domain is a very neccesary action.

    The shock waves that this has sent out amongst social workers is becoming clear, but the united reaction of said social workers is a ‘complicit and unspoken soldarity’.

    This entirely expected reaction shows ever more clearly why THIS site has to remain in operation and continue to provide some reasonable offense against an institutionally uncontrollable beast that needs to brought to heel.

    The lives of 1000’s of children and families are damaged by the repeated failings of social workers and finally we have a voice that can possibly shout loud enough to make somebody hear at last.

  2. Kathy Danby says:

    Social workers are running scared of these sites because they know the truth is being told about their hitherto underhand dealings – AND THEY DON’T LIKE THE TRUTH!! I would be very surprised if they were not worried about this threat to their immunity from natural justice.

  3. Ray's Mom says:

    Truth is a great cleanser of the soul

  4. Pingback: UK Social Workers Exposed | Public Law Children Act Cases |

  5. adrienne says:

    What can be done to stop this shocking behaviour? Am in a terrible state as social services are after my unborn grandson. They have made false accusations against my pregnant daughter.

    • w says:

      make sure your daughter leaves the country fast she can go anywhere just make sure she does not have her baby in the uk and do not let anyone know. Make sure she has her child in another country and look up website

    • minanelson says:

      They must flee the country!!!! Republic of Ireland is the safest local place apparently but the child has to be born there or else SS will take it within hours of birth.

      • iain says:

        Dont go to the republic of Ireland. I have just returned childrenless and are having to fight it out in uk now.

        The ss will just tell interpol a.load of lies and the Garda and HSE will take the child at birth. They will go before justice birmingham to send the child back to uk under brussells 2 article 15. He is the judge of choice for the hse.

        Another choice is Cyprus where you are guarenteed to stay no extraditipn treaty.

        If u do want to chance roi email me

  6. Kathy Danby says:

    It is bad now, but it will get even worse. Their latest ploy – having kept a child for years, neglected their education and kept them from contact with anyone who can help them – is to try to keep them after they are 18, using the Mental Capacity Act. They will tell any lie necessary to gain these ends. This way they can gain control of the young person for life – including their finances. Watch The Omen, and draw your own conclusions. The Antichrist is not a single person – he is all the evil in local government rolled into one. If we do not fight him he will ruin family life in the UK for ever.

    Kathy Danby

    • towardchange says:

      That ploy is for children who have birth parents who do not care. You know the type those proven to have neglected their child etc.
      Thanks for sharing!

      • Kathleen Danby says:

        No it most certainly isn’t a ploy just for “parents who don’t care”! My son cares very much, and the mother not at all, but they have deliberately made him out to be the bad guy, and given the mother all the priviledges.

  7. Keri Lyons says:

    I have recently begun my training as a social work student and I believe that your blog is quite frankly preposterous. Your choice of words has very serious connotations. Social workers do not “STEAL” children nor do they remove them for a financial gain. Social services have a statutory obligation to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable children under the Children’s Scotland Act (1995). When it comes to the removal of a child it is not the social worker alone who makes this decision; after following their own organization’s procedures if they have concerns about the wellbeing of a child there is a referral made to the local authority social services team. The local authority team will then investigate the allegations with the child’s best interests put first. The key agencies (social work services, the police and health services) will work together to establish the facts and gather and share information, to help assess the risk and needs for the child and decide if any protective action is needed, I must emphasis strongly that a child will only be removed if there is very clear evidence that they are at risk of significant harm.

    • john doe says:

      What the uneducated student says is quite frankly dumb and stupid.

      The word i guess is training so zero life experience, looking to make a few pounds by stealng our children.

      If they are not stealing them and farming our babies out for adoption what are they doing? Why are so many people complaining?

    • Kathy Danby says:

      To Keri Lyons – The brainwashing begins as soon as you begin social work training. By the time you are “qualified” you will be a fully fledged liar – just like all the other social workers. SOCIAL WORKERS DO STEAL CHILDREN, AND WRECK FAMILIES WITH THEIR INTERFERENCE. There are no ifs and buts about it, but you will be forced to toe the party line, or forced out of social work if you don’t. You will not be the last to be “in denial”.

    • what are you saying we all wrong what we say about social workers ? then please tell me why so many storys are the same as others people who we never met ? how come so many people say the same old bull shit then i tell u why coz your all scum and you rip loving family home apart let hope you see what we see when you become a sw and your working in the real world just remember might sound all good by books. but it aint how it is wonder if u walk away from your job when u see how wrong it really is ? or will u be one of the scum with no heart? and think of your self money and i work hard learning these skills out of a book wise up

  8. towardchange says:

    “The whole system is nothing more than licensed abuse by many professionals. the whole system needs a total overhaul and peoples voices noted and acted upon.”

  9. Mrs. Kathy Danby says:

    More or less what I said. Still you can’t expect a trainee social worker to jeopardise their job by agreeing with us – money is more important to them than the welfare of the children in their so-called “care”. They will tell any lies to cover their backs. NEVER TRUST A SOCIAL WORKER.

  10. gemma hoole says:

    social services (sarah callahen) is a baby snatcher and a baby killer she stole my baby and i miscarried because of the way she treated me when i was pregnant

    (ashington social services northumberland)

    • Kathy Danby says:

      That is terrible Gemma, but I can believe every word of it. They don’t care what loving parents go through, so long as they can cover their backs.

      I hope things are better for you now, and all the best in the future. Have a good Christmas and a happy 2014.

  11. Pingback: Season’s Greetings And Best Wishes The New Year 2014 | Parents Rights Blog

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